Pricing Specifications


We offer great prices, premium and quality products for your business.

Choose your package
Basic Plan
₹4999 / Year
Premium Plan
₹9999 / Year
Corporate Plan
₹14999 / Year
Webspace Full SSD 10 GB 25 GB 50 GB
Number of websites on 1 package Max. 1 Max. 3 Max. 5
Number of linked domains 1 3 5
Number of subdomains 5 12 20
Operating System Linux Linux Linux
HTTPS Protection
Adapted to any CMS
Protection of your website
Extra backup stored in another location
Malware scanner
Automatic security updates
DDos protection
Mailboxes with each package
E-mail addresses 15 40 80
Backups Every day Every day Every day
Webmail access
Free extra services with each package
Free Migration Support